Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Beda Cowok Ganteng Ama Cowok Jelek.

Beda Cowok Ganteng Ama Cowok Jelek.

kalo cowok ganteng berbuat jahat
cewek-cewek bilang: nobody's perfect

kalo cowok jelek berbuat jahat
cewek-cewek bilang: pantes...tampangnya

kalo cowok ganteng nolongin cewek yang
diganggu preman cewek-cewek bilang: wuih
jantan...kayak di filem-filem

kalo cowok jelek nolongin cewek yang
diganggu preman cewek-cewek bilang:
pasti premannya temennya dia...

Kalo cowok ganteng pendiam cewek-cewek
bilang: woow, cool banget...

kalo cowok jelek pendiam cewek-cewek
bilang: ih kuper...

kalo cowok ganteng jomblo cewek-cewek
bilang: pasti dia perfeksionis

kalo cowok jelek jomblo cewek-cewek
bilang: sudah jelas...kagak laku...

kalo cowok ganteng dapet cewek cantik
cewek-cewek bilang: klop...serasi banget...

kalo cowok jelek dapet cewek cantik
cewek-cewek bilang: pasti main dukun...

kalo cowok ganteng diputusin cewek
cewek-cewek bilang: jangan sedih, khan
masih ada aku...

kalo cowok jelek diputusin cewek
cewek-cewek bilang:...(terdiam, tapi
telunjuknya meliuk-liuk dari atas ke
bawah, liat dulu dong bentuknya)...

kalo cowok ganteng ngaku indo
cewek-cewek bilang: emang mirip-mirip
bule sih...

kalo cowok jelek ngaku indo cewek-cewek
bilang: pasti ibunya Jawa bapaknya robot...

kalo cowok ganteng penyayang binatang
cewek-cewek bilang: perasaannya
halus...penuh cinta kasih

kalo cowok jelek penyayang binatang
cewek-cewek bilang: sesama keluarga
emang harus menyayangi...

kalo cowok ganteng bawa BMW cewek-cewek
bilang: matching...keren luar dalem

kalo cowok jelek bawa BMW cewek-cewek
bilang: mas majikannya mana?...

kalo cowok ganteng males difoto
cewek-cewek bilang: pasti takut fotonya

kalo cowok jelek males difoto
cewek-cewek bilang: nggak tega ngeliat
hasil cetakannya ya?...

kalo cowok ganteng naek motor gede
cewek-cewek bilang: wah kayak lorenzo
lamos ...bikin lemas...

kalo cowok jelek naek motor gede
cewek-cewek bilang: awas!! mandragade

kalo cowok ganteng nuangin air ke gelas
cewek cewek-cewek bilang: ini baru cowok

kalo cowok jelek nuangin air ke gelas
cewek cewek-cewek bilang: naluri
pembantu, emang gitu...

kalo cowok ganteng bersedih hati
cewek-cewek bilang: let me be your
shoulder to cry on

kalo cowok jelek bersedih hati
cewek-cewek bilang: cengeng
amat!!...laki-laki bukan sih?

Kalo cowok ganteng baca e-mail ini
langsung ngaca sambil senyum-senyum
kecil, lalu berkata "life is beautifull"

kalo cowok jelek baca ini,
Frustasi, ngambil tali jemuran, trus
triak sekeras-kerasnya.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

About Super Junior

Super Junior memulai debut nya pada awal 2005 dengan membuat album pertama SuperJunior05 (TWINS).

Suju di pecah menjadi beberapa groub band, salah satunya adalah Suju M. Untuk melihat sejarahnya Anda bisa lihat di sini

Berikut Foto Biodata  Super Junior ' Suju '

Biodata Leeteuk Super Junior (cara mengucapkannya Eeteuk)
Nama asli: Park Jungsu
Nama Mandarin: Li Te
Nama panggilan: Angel Without Wings, Gaeteuk (oleh Heechul), Special Leader, Peter Pan, Ori (alias Bebek)
Tanggal lahir: 1 Juli 1983
Tempat lahir: Seoul Yeonshinnae
Tinggi badan: 178 cm (kalo di Star King dia bilang tinggi badannya kalo ga pake hak sepatu tambahan alias shoelift adalah 175 cm (petir menyambar))
Berat badan: 59 kg
Golongan darah: A
Agama: Kristen

Posisi: Leader, sub-vocal
Saudara: kakak perempuan Park Inyoung (1982)
Keahlian/Hobi: piano, komposisi (musik), dengerin musik, nyanyi
Pendidikan: pindah dari Paekche Institute of the Arts ke Inha University

Cewek ideal: Cewek yang cantik molek dan bersifat terbuka, tinggi ideal 163 cm dengan pergelangan kaki dan tangan yang kurus.

Biodata Heechul Super Junior
Nama asli: Kim Heechul
Nama Mandarin: Xi Che
Nama panggilan: Heenim, Cinderella, Flower, Kim Pink, Kim Moodswing, Kim Cherry (dari Youngstreet), Snake/Ular (dari Shio China), Heerobbong (bagian dari Bbong bersaudara sama-sama Donghae dan U-Know Yunho), Heebongie Hyung (nama panggilan Heechul dari Yesung)
Tanggal lahir: 10 Juli1983
Tempat lahir: Daerah Hoengseong, Kangwondo; tapi tinggal di Wonju, Kangwondo
Tinggi badan: 179 cm
Berat badan: 60 kg
Golongan darah: AB
Agama: Atheis/Agnostik

Posisi: sub-leader, rapper, sub-vocal
Saudara: kakak perempuan Kim Heejin (1982)
Keahlian/Hobi: menulis puisi, menulis cerita dongeng, main game komputer
Pendidikan: Sangji University; lulus taun 2008.

Cewek ideal: Cewek dengan satu kelopak mata yang mempunyai leher yang indah dan juga terlihat cantik kalo pake rok mini dan/atau kalo rambutnya diikat.

Biodata Han Geng/Hankyung Super Junior
Nama asli: Han Geng
Nama panggilan: Beijing Fried Rice(Nasi Goreng Beijing) (gara-gara Han Geng salah nyebut ‘nasi goreng’ dalam bahasa Korea di “Full House”, jadi diketawain Heechul deh…), Dragon/Naga (dari Shio China)
Tanggal lahir: 9 Februari 1984
Tempat lahir: Mudanjiang, Provinsi Hei Long Jiang
Tinggi badan: 181 cm
Berat badan: 66 kg
Golongan darah: B (awalnya golongan darahnya dikirain O terus jadi A. Baru tau golongan darahnya B waktu diperiksa tahun 2006.)
Agama: Atheis

Posisi: lead dancer, sub-vocal
Saudara: anak tunggal
Keahlian/Hobi: tari tradisional China, ballet, game komputer
Pendidikan: Central University for Nationalities
Cewek ideal: Cewek imut yang menghormati orang tuanya dan mencintainya apa adanya.

Biodata Yesung Super Junior
Nama asli: Kim Jongwoon
Nama Mandarin: Yi Xing
Nama panggilan: Cloud, Dog/Anjing (dari Shio China), Rabid Dog/Anjing Rabies (nama panggilan Yesung dari Heechul)

Tanggal lahir: 24 Agustus 1984
Tempat lahir: Chunahn, Provinsi Choongchung Selatan
Tinggi badan: 178 cm
Berat badan: 64 kg
Golongan darah: AB
Agama: Katolik

Posisi: lead vocal
Saudara: adik laki-laki Kim Jongjin (1987)
Keahlian/Hobi: nyanyi, dengerin musik, latihan di gym (?)
Pendidikan: Chungwoon University, kemungkinan pindah ke Sunmoon University; lulus awal taun 2009.

Cewek ideal: kayak Moon Geungyoung

Biodata Kangin Super Junior
Nama asli: Kim Youngwoon
Nama Mandarin: Jiang Ren
Nama panggilan: Bear Kangin, Strength Kangin, Korea No.1 Handsome Guy, Kang Kings, Kkang, Neoguri (alias Racoon/Rakun, muncul dari “Full House”), Ox (dari Shio China), Youngchoon (nama panggilan Kangin dari Heechul)
Tanggal lahir: 17 Januari1985
Tempat lahir: Seoul Seodaemoongoo HongEunDong

Tinggi badan: 180 cm

Berat badan: 70 kg
Golongan darah: O
Agama: Kristen, tapi ada juga yang bilang Atheis

Posisi: sub-vocal
Saudara: anak tunggal
Keahlian/Hobi: akting, nyanyi, kick boxing, berenang
Pendidikan: Paekche Institute of the Arts or  Seni Teater

Cewek ideal: Cewek yang kaya dan cantik yang memiliki kaki yang indah dan rambut lurus panjang.

Biodata Shindong Super Junior
Nama Asli: Shin Donghee
Nama Mandarin: Shen Dong
Nama panggilan: Dongri Dong Dong (dari Ppo Ppo Ppo), Dolpan Ogyupsal (sejenis makanan)
Tanggal lahir: 28 September 1985
Tempat lahir: Moonkyung, Provinsi KyungGi Utara
Tinggi badan: 178 cm
Berat badan: 90 kg (25/03/09-93 kg)
Golongan darah: O
Agama: Kristen

Posisi: lead dancer, rapper
Saudara: anak tunggal
Keahlian/Hobi: bikin macam-macam ekspresi wajah, bikin lelucon, menari
Pendidikan: Paekche Institute of the Arts

Cewek ideal: Cewek yang imut dan pendek

Biodata Sungmin Super Junior
Nama asli: Lee Sungmin
Nama Mandarin: Cheng Min
Nama panggilan: Sweet Pumpkin, Minimi
Tanggal lahir: 1 Januari 1986
Tempat lahir: Ilsan, Provinsi KyungGi
Tinggi badan: 175 cm
Berat badan: 57 kg
Golongan darah: A
Agama: Kristen

Posisi: lead vocal
Saudara: adik laki-laki Lee Sungjin
Keahlian/Hobi: bela diri China, akting, nonton film, main musik
Pendidikan: pindah dari Seoul Arts University; sekarang mahasiswa di Myongji University

Cewek ideal: Cewek yang imut, pendek, dan baik hati

Biodata Eunhyuk Super Junior
Nama asli: Lee Hyukjae
Nama Mandarin: En He
Nama panggilan: Jewel Guy/Cowok Permata, Monkey/Monyet (dari Shio China)
Tanggal lahir: 4 April 1986
Tempat lahir: Goyangshi NeungGok
Tinggi badan: 176 cm (di Yashimmanman disebutin tinggi badannya +/- 2 cm jadi 174 cm)
Berat badan: 58 kg
Golongan darah: O
Agama: Kristen

Posisi: lead dancer, rapper, sub-vocal
Saudara: kakak perempuan Lee Sora (1984)
Keahlian/Hobi: tarian segala jenis, olahraga, dengerin musik
Pendidikan: Mahasiswa di Pai Chai University

Cewek ideal: Cewek berkulit putih, imut, dan pendek

Biodata Donghae Super Junior
Nama asli: Lee Donghae
Nama Mandarin: Dong Hai
Nama panggilan: Fishy (sebenarnya hanya “Fish” tapi cara nyebutnya dalam bahasa Korea jadi kayak Fishy), Donghae Bada (East Sea/Laut Timur), Pinocchio (dinamain Heechul), Dorobbong (bagian dari Bbong bersaudara dengan Heechul dan U-Know Yunho), Tiger/Macan (dari Shio China)
Tanggal lahir: 15 Oktober 1986
Tempat lahir: Mokpo, Provinsi Jeolla Selatan
Tinggi badan: 175 cm
Berat badan: 60 kg/132 lb (Donghae bilang di Itta Upta 4/4/09 beratnya 59kg)
Golongan darah: A
Agama: Kristen

Posisi: lead dancer, rapper, sub-vocal
Saudara: kakak laki-laki Lee Donghwa
Keahlian/Hobi: menari, olahraga, nyanyi, nonton film
Pendidikan: Mahasiswa di Myongji University (tapi kemaren pernah denger dia drop out… bener gak sih? Mudah-mudahan sih nggak…)

Cewek ideal: Cewek yang pedulian dan keibuan yang punya tulang selangka yang indah(?)

Biodata Siwon Super Junior
Nama asli: Choi Siwon
Nama Mandarin: Shi Yuan
Nama panggilan: Simba (dinamain Heechul), Horse/Kuda (dari Shio China, tapi dia diolok-olok sama anak-anak SuJu dengan Ma Siwon yang kurang lebih artinya sama (kayaknya…)), The Lord No.1 Fan/Fans Tuhan No.1
Tanggal lahir: 10 Februari 1987 (yang asli: 7 April 1986)
Tempat lahir: Seoul Gangnam
Tinggi badan: 183 cm
Berat badan: 65 kg
Golongan darah: B
Agama: Kristen

Posisi: sub-vocal
Saudara: adik perempuan Choi Jiwon
Keahlian/Hobi: nyanyi, nari, akting, Taekwondo, bahasa Mandarin, main alat musik drum
Pendidikan: Mahasiswa di Inha University (Edukasi fisik, tapi bukan teologi, aneh yah…?)

Cewek ideal: Cewek Kristen dengan rambut bergelombang

Biodata Ryeowook Super Junior
Nama asli: Kim Ryeowook
Nama Mandarin: Li Xu
Nama panggilan: Eternal Maknae (artinya “selama 10.000 taun tetep jadi yang termuda”)
Tanggal lahir: 21 Juni 1987
Tempat lahir: Inchon Bupyung Sanggokdong
Tinggi badan: 173 cm
Berat badan: 58 kg
Golongan darah: O
Agama: Kristen

Posisi: lead-vocal
Saudara: anak tunggal
Keahlian/Hobi: nyanyi, komposisi (musik)
Pendidikan: Mahasiswa di Inha University, Seni Teater

Cewek ideal: Cewek pendek yang bisa nyanyi

Biodata Kibum Super Junior
Nama asli: Kim Kibum
Nama Mandarin: Ji Fan
Nama panggilan: Snow White/Putri Salju, Yangban Kim (semuanya dinamain oleh Heechul)
Tanggal lahir: 21 Agustus 1987
Tempat lahir: Seoul
Tinggi badan: 179 cm (di Yashimmanman dinyatain tingginya yang sebenarnya 177 cm)
Berat badan: 58 kg
Golongan darah: A
Agama: Kristen

Posisi: rapper
Keahlian/Hobi: akting, berlatih bernyanyi, berlatih ekspresi wajah
Saudara: adik perempuan Kim Saehee
Pendidikan: tidak diketahui…? (Misterius amat sih nih anak…?)

Cewek ideal: Cewek dengan mata yang indah dan memberikan perasaan kepadanya waktu melihatnya

Biodata Kyuhyun Super Junior
Nama asli: Cho Kyuhyun
Nama Mandarin: Gui Xian
Nama panggilan: Kim Kyu (dinamain Heechul), Game Kyu, Jumong Kyu , Chic Kyu, Maknae, dll! (Males tulis semuanya, soalnya aku denger-denger Kyuhyun punya 967 nama panggilan…)
Tanggal lahir: February 3, 1988
Tempat lahir: Seoul Nohwon
Tinggi badan: 180 cm
Berat badan: 68 kg
Golongan darah: A
Agama: Kristen

Posisi: lead-vocal
Saudara: kakak perempuan Cho Ahra (1985)
Keahlian/Hobi: nyanyi, dengerin musik, nonton film, game komputer
Pendidikan: Mahasiswa di Kyunghee University, Post Musik Modern

Cewek ideal: Cewek yang cantik dan beragama Kristen, mempunyai kaki yang indah, mirip dengan Kim Taehee (kenapa pada suka Kim Taehee sih?? Minho oppa juga suka tuh…*iri*)

Komentar dan like kalau kamu suka ! 

Rabu, 30 November 2011

Photo Kim Heechul

Super Junior

Photo Kim Heechul

No Other - Super Junior (HeeChul Version)



Selasa, 15 November 2011

Bukittinggi Town, Attraction

Bukittinggi Town, Attraction

 Bukittinggi is a very rich city attractions. He is also known as heritage city is cool and very friendly.
Throughout the city we will be treated with a variety of interesting attractions. Starting from the natural attractions, historical tours, cultural tours, culinary tours and even an interesting shopping.
Nature tourism
• Panorama high hill
Bukit Tinggi town famous for its beautiful natural panorama. The air is cool and blend to form a green hill and lembahyang variations beautiful natural scenery. Rows of very beautiful verdant rice fields visible from the hill.
While hedge of trees and green forest-covered hills at an altitude white clouds, mountains and plateaus seemed very exotic and indulgent eye.
• Canyon Sianok

Sianok canyon is a steep valley or ravine with a depth of 100 meters. Canyon or ravine stretches along 15 km with a width of about 20 meters. Its location is very strategic in the heart of a high hill.
If visiting the historical sights hole (cave) Japan then, at the end of the mouth of the cave you can see the beauty of this canyon. In the valley there is a river canyon flowing Sianok clear. Special, here still found rare flora and fauna such as Raflesia flowers, medicinal plants, long-tailed monkeys, deer, tapir, and others.
History Tours
High Bukit Padang is a heritage town that holds so much history. He was once the center of the provisional government of the Republic of Indonesia in the early days of independence of Indonesia. No doubt, too many centers of historical struggle for freedom found there diataranya namely:
• Fort de Kock
Fortress Fort de Kock is a stronghold of the Dutch East Indies government heritage. At that time, the fort was a stronghold of the Dutch army chaplain-led troops against Tuanku Imam Bonjol (1821-1827).
As typical fortress, you can see relics of ancient cannons Dutch troops around the fort. In addition, the page you can also menikmatipemandangan fortress town of Bukittinggi nature of the famous Padang beautiful and cool.
But unfortunately if you visit here, you are not allowed into the battlements, considering bentengyang old age. So the visitors must be satisfied at the castle from below.
• Japan hole
Japan is the aperture of the underground tunnel with a length up to 1.47 miles. Besides the main hall, there are tiny passageways that branch from the main hall as much as 21 corridor.
These small passageways, each having specific functions in his time, such as reconnaissance holes, kitchen, prison, dining room romusa, courtrooms, chambers soldiers, torture chamber, ammunition storage, space ambush and escape doors.
Japan hole was built during the Japanese occupation (1942-1945). That said, according to historical records defensive ditch was built with sophisticated tools by the people of Indonesia are captured by the Japanese government. They were forced to penetrate the canyon rocks Sianok with hoes and improvised equipment.
• Clock Tower

Clock Tower is the designation for a tower clock located in the heart of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra Province. Clock Tower is the name given to the Minangkabau society that clock tower building, because it has a clock tower was a "large sieve", or "at large" (large sieve = large clock hours; "large sieve" means big in Minangkabau language).

Such a phenomenal building clock tower called the Clock Tower at the time of its construction, so since the founding of the Clock Tower has become the center of everyone's attention. It also resulted in the Clock Tower used as a marker or landmark of Bukittinggi and also as one of the icons of West Sumatra province.

Clock Tower was built in 1926 by architect Yazid Sutan Dental Ameh. This clock was a gift from the Queen of the Netherlands to the Rook Maker, Controleur (City Secretary) Bukittinggi in the former Dutch East Indies Government. Laying the first stone clock is done Rook Maker's first son who was then 6 years old.

Ground-plan (building footprint following steps overlooking the Upper Market) of the Clock Tower is 13x4 meters, 26 meters height.

Clock Tower is engaged in mechanical and consisted of four hours / four-face clock overlooking the four compass directions with each clock face diameter of 80 cm.

This clock tower has undergone several changes in the peak shape. At first the top of the tower clock is round and on it stands a statue of a rooster. When you sign colonize Indonesia, the Japanese occupation government changed it to shape pagoda top. At the time of independence, its shape changed again into ornaments traditional Minangkabau house.

Construction of the Clock Tower is said to spend a total cost of construction of about 3,000 Gulden, which costs quite fantastic for the size of the time. But it paid off with the famous Clock Tower is a landmark that once a symbol or icon of Bukittinggi. Clock Tower is also set as the zero point of Bukittinggi.

There is a uniqueness of Roman numerals on the face of the Clock Tower is. When writing Roman numerals usually include the symbol "IV" to symbolize the four roman numbers, then the Clock Tower is labeled with the number four roman under the symbol "IIII" (Generally IV).
Culinary Tourism
No doubt Bukit Tinggi and Padang in West Sumatra in particular various types of food generally has a very distinctive and famous everywhere. One type of food that is very popular and fitting for souvenirs is sanjai crackers. Which is one type of food made from cassava is sliced ​​into thin strips.
In Padang Bukit Tinggi, you will find this food anywhere. In traditional markets to malls rise in roadside shops, at the center of attraction even in the street is very easy to find this food.
Shopping Tour

For those who like shopping and hunting clothing and accessories are cheap, Padang Bukit Tinggi is a shopping paradise. Traditional markets are quite famous in the town of Bukit Tinggi is Yellow Aur market, Market Up and Down Markets.
This traditional market is central to the famous wholesale cheap enough in West Sumatra. In this market a wide variety of goods available. Ranging from apparel, housewares, books, accessories, household daily necessities and so forth.
Interestingly, here the buyer free to buy retail ataugrosir way. Each of the tourists who come to Bukit Tinggi definitely took time to shop here at least to buy souvenirs and cendramata. The price is much cheaper than buying directly in the center of the top tourist attraction.